Friday, April 18, 2014


The conference under the able leadership of Com.G.Janakiram was organised in a grand manner and the entire team led by Com.G.Janakiram deserves high regards and appreciation!

Ref: No.C.Cnf/2014                                    Date: 01.04.2014

Venue: BELL Hotel & Convention Centre, Next to Bangalore City Railway Station, BANGALORE-560023.

Biennial Report
Dear Comrades,At the outset it is a matter of great pleasure to extend a very hearty welcome to Comrade President, Circle Office bearers, Divisional Secretaries, all delegates and visitors attending this 28th Circle Conference being held at Circle Head Quarters, Bangalore.  It is Bangalore East Division once again hosting this conference led by Com.G.Janakiram, Circle Asst.Financial Secretary and the Divisional Secretary of the Bangalore East division.

The last conference was held at Sri.Shubhodaya Kalyana Mandira, Vinobanagar, Shimoga from 8th April to11th January, 2012.  The organizers headed by Com.Prakash Rao had taken lot of pains for smooth conduct of the conference.  Elaborate arrangements were made for smooth conduct of the conference and record number of delegates and visitors attended the conference.  The entire team under the collective leadership of Com.Prakash Rao, Com.K.S.Ranganath, Com.G.Raghavendra, Com.H.R.Eswarappa and Com.K.Prahallada Rao deserve appreciation for the success of the conference. 

During the period under review many eminent personalities and comrades have passed away.  Com.G.S.Nagendra former Circle Secretary RMS and MMS Union was also one among those who was known for his wisdom, militancy and quality leadership.  We pay our respectful homage to the departed souls. 
NATIONAL SCENE: Elections to the Loksabha is being held this year and as a responsible citizen of independent INDIA it is our duty to exercise our franchise and elect the deserving to uphold democratic values. 
The last Circle conference held at Shimoga was well attended by delegates and visitors from all parts of the state.  Shri.B.Y.Raghavendra  Member of Parliament inaugurated the open session of the conference.  Shri.K.S.Eshwarappa, State Minister of Karnataka and other dignitaries graced the occasion.  Colourful open session coincided with valuable speeches by guests and leaders, Women convention graced by eminent personalities Smt.Lalitha Nayak, Smt.Nagalakshmi, Accounts officers,DAP, Smt.Varalakshmi, CITU leader, Seminar on Technology - Sri.K.Sudhakar Mallya Asst.Director,M&T, SK Region and Shri.Vasudevan, Intructor PTC, Mysore represented official side and a good number of System Administrators took part in the fruitful discussions.  The subject committee was also lively and full of debates and discussions.  Delicious and traditional menu served with love by the Shimoga comrades added to the success of the conference.  The conference was concluded by adopting many resolutions for onward march.
The following are the elected office bearers for the term 2012-14:
President: Com.S.Devapala, SPM, J C Road, Bangalore south.
Vice Presidents:
Com.N.Chandrashekar, Bangalore West division.
Com. Lakshman Ksheersagar Bagalkot division.
Com.M.B.Shivalingaiah, Channapatna division.

Circle Secretary:            Com.S.S.Manjunath, Bangalore West division

Asst.Circle Secretaries: Com.A.N.Desai, Dharwad Division.
                                      Com.C.Ananthamurthy, Bangalore South division
                                     Com.R.S.Karnic, PA, Bangalore GPO
                                      Com.M.Satish, Bellary Division
                                      Com.S.Shailesh Kumar, Hassan division  
Financial Secretary:       Com.Prakash Rao, Shimoga division
Asst.Financial Secretary:Com.G.Janakiram, Bangalore East division
Organising Secretaries:   Com.Javarayi Gowda, Bangalore East division
                                      Com.H.R.Ravishankar, Mysore division
                                      Com.M.M.Bagali, PRI(P), Raichur HOAuditor  :    Com.K.Lakshmanan, Udupi Division.

Special invitees:  Com.H.M.Raju, Kolar division, Com.R.G.Hegde from Sirsi division, Com.G.Manohar, Chikmagalur division and Com.M.B.Patil from Gulbarga.                                                    
The circle union, with the support of the circle Office bearers, branches and divisions had been committed to the task of protecting the interest of workers in general and the AIPEU Group C in particular.  We appreciate the comrades and leaders for their indomitable courage and patience in redressing the issues raised in true spirit. It is the strength and wisdom of the branch/divisions reflected in the solutions/success derived at.  Our urge/fight against injustice/discrimination/disparity is natural and we feel proud to be part of it being responsible and major union in the postal fraternity.    Because of such tradition members are increasing day by day in this great organization affiliated to NFPE.  Even though we have been maintaining postal unity in tact at circle level there is a threat to it because of some differences at top leadership.  IT AMOUNTS NATIONAL SIN IF WE NEGLECT MASSES THAT IS ONE OF THE CAUSES OF OUR DOWN FALL.  The oppressed, poor, ignorant and GDS are our flesh and blood and any separation will cause disaster in the movement!  As declared by the Secretary General NFPE in the last federal council held at Hyderabad it is high time that GDS leadership should sort out the differences themselves.  In this democratic set up no individual is above the ORGANISATION!
POSTAL J.C.A, COC and NFPE: In order to have united movement coordinating committees have been formed.  Com.K.C.Gangaiah of FNOP is the Chairman of JCA, Com.S.S.Manjunath is the Convenor.  Com.P.Kamalesan is presently chairman of COC and Com.P.S.Prasad is General Secretary of COC. The COC is active under the present leadership of Com.P.S.Prasad.

Com.Prakash Rao, our financial Secretary maintains his commendable performance on this area.  The financial position of the circle union is better and it is the power added to our strength.  The response of the divisional and branch unions is also appreciable in this regard.

KARNATAKA POST: Due to various reasons, especially the chief executive being too busy without Foreign Service the journal is not published during the year under review.  However our WEB and through SMS our members and rank and file are in communion with each other.  But release of the journal is a must to reflect the work of the circle union which goes unnoticed by the members untouched.
Meetings with CPMG, PMG,NK, PMG,SK, DPS(HQ), RJCM are being held regularly.  Even though response of the administration is positive the issues are delayed to the dissatisfaction of the members.  Ex: Compassionate cases files are not moving as per the directorate instructions reiterated often, this is causing irreparable damage to the wards of those die in harness, DPCs are not held regularly as per the instructions - CRs are not sent in time by divisions adds to the issue, non-settlement of all genuine ROMC claims in favour of staff - some divisional heads reject bills against the relevant instructions and rulings on the subject e.g., availing treatment at a recognized or Govt. Hospital - Cases of emergency not decided on the basis of valid certificate of the competent medical authority etc. 
CIRCLE COUNCIL MEETINGS AT TUMKUR AND BANGALORE SOUTH DIVISIONS: Three Circle councils were held in Tumkur(on 9th and 10th of June 2012 at HMT, Tumkur-572103) and Bangalore South division(at Dattatreya Temple compound, T R nagar, Bg-28) under the able leadership of Com.B.Bettaiah and Com.Puttaiah, Divisional Secretary and Presidents respectively and Com.C.Ananthamurthy and Com.S.Devapala our circle office bearers. Our sincere thanks to the leaders and the activists Com.Chandraswamy, Sindhya at Bg South and many active leaders and comrades at Tumkur.
Com.B.Bettaiah has been co-opted as Vice President of the circle union at the CWC meeting held at Bangalore south division on 02.02.2014 against the vacant post of M.B.Shivalingaiah who has resigned.
Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE is holding the additional charge of General Secretary AIPEU Group C and the COC.  Despite commanding the coveted posts the leadership is yet to resolve the issue of GDS for total unity and fraternity in the postal.  NFPE federal council held last at Hyderabad left the matter to the GDS leadership for amicable settlement in the larger interest and our circle represented by Circle secretary stressed the need for total unity at any cost.  The present development of throwing mud against each other in the WEB and messages is not good for the healthy trade union we strongly feel and it is also unfortunate that the Secretary General avoided discussions (or question and answer) on this important issue in the previous circle council meeting held at Dattatreya Mandir in Bangalore South division.  The views of the members/circle union/well wishers need to be looked into in proper perspective in the larger interest of unity!  However the circle union is maintaining good and cordial relationship with the CHQ and the NFPE.
Our webs of CHQ/NFPE continue to maintain the standard but for some news/comments where embarrassing situations were created on GDS matters. 
The official organ of the CHQ Bharatiya Post is being published regularly.  It is informative, useful and we appeal all to be subscribers of this news magazine.  Awareness among members to subscribe, inculcate the habit of buy and read, is stressed again.
MACP:  Despite several court judgments department is yet to settle this issue in favour of those deprived of their due MACP.  Recent CAT judgment, in accountant’s case, allowing stepping up of pay in MACP is in support of our claim.  We should demand immediate settlement of this anomaly as per the understanding reached at the time of acceptance of this scheme in lieu of TBOP/BCR.  We are of the considered opinion that there is no point in pursuing the matter with CAT further to kill valuable time, labour and money.  The affected members are agitating and frustrated over the inordinate delay in clinching this issue. 
CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE – INNOCENTS ARE TORTURED!  We have been making sincere efforts to mitigate the hardship caused to the innocent officials where frauds are committed and main culprits escape.  Shakthinagar fraud case is still not settled, swift action at the last leg is wanting.  MGNREG mismanagement - failure of the officers from Nodal officers to the top bureaucracy has resulted in unreasonable and unjustified actions against the hard working staff.  Cases of harassment of our members in Kolar and Gadag divisions have been resisted and proper strategy to be worked out to identify real defaulters in this area.  Undermining the lapses on the part of supervisory especially of nodal officers, SBCO, divisional head is intolerable and action deemed fit is being forced.  A thorough probe is felt essential.  The ensuing conference shall take a firm stand upon this urgent issue.  We condemn the attitude of the administration in denying NOCs to the officials on the plea of contributory factor. 
TECHNOLOGY:  Failure of the administration is again manifest while accepting the network of SIFI tech support for postal.  It is the operative section facing the problems and our hands are tied here also.  How long we can bear such situation and therefore it is high time that our central leadership should proper steps to find a way out to end this menace.  There is no value or recognition for the good work and time spent beyond duty hours!
Waival of prosecution procedure in respect of genuine cases where innocent officials are penalised:
In such cases the provision is invoked without due application mind.  Such procedure is explored without giving reasonable opportunity to the official to defend his case.  Such actions as empty formality is opposed vehemently and we demand review of all such cases, e.g., Kundur(Shimoga division) fraud case where the innocent Com.B.C.Raghavendra is harassed, Mangalore case of Com.Krishnanaik where the mistake occurred due to communication gap between customer and the Ex-SPM.
In the interest of efficiency and smooth functioning of govt. machinery request transfers are considered, as a welfare measure also.  A proper official at a proper place is to ensure smooth public work which need not be explained.   Officials are forced to undergo undue strain even if everything is possible with a positive attitude to resolve issues.  Delay in disposing of the representations/appeals is another issue to be taken care of the administration.  The representations and appeals on transfer are often rejected without speaking order.  This is not correct in the era where everything is transparent and clear.
Transfer should not be ordered as a punishment.  When an official is disturbed in the middle of the academic year, the family members as a whole face the adverse consequences.  This is avoided normally, but great care need to be taken by the administration when it is forced on the official in an exceptional case.  We have been fighting to the end to resolve each and every transfer case brought to our notice where officials are subjected to inconveniences and harassment.  Too rigidity on the part of administration/official is not for the good health of the department/official.
Transfer by deviating the guidelines and established norms/precedence:  Violation of guidelines and procedure will affect the interest of an official expecting his/her turn for transfer.  Denial of one’s due will result in series of representations/appeal and ultimately result in ruining working atmosphere.  Hence in the present situation it is proper to adhere to the guidelines strictly to be fair to every one. Administration should meditate upon this delicate issue.
New transfer guidelines may be useful as the proposals are screened at RO level.  The representations if any to undo injustice/modifications must be attended on priority our view. 

Postmasters’ Cadre: This is again an issue to be tackled at the central level.  Injustice has been done to senior officials opted to be in Postmasters’ line.  Youngsters are also denied of their due opportunies for promotion to IP/Group B.  The conference shall take congnisance of this issue on priority to solve numerous problems of this cadre.
GENERAL: We are of the firm commitment that the role of the union is to safe guard he interest of its members in particular and workers’ in general.  As per the directives of the union constitution we have been striving our best to resolve issues by our effective intervention wherever possible taking into consideration the best interest of the department and public service.  The circle administration is also extending its support for the right cause. 
AGITATIONAL PROGRAMMES:  All calls given by the central unions have been observed in the circle.  But we sincerely feel BALLOT of STAFF MEMBERS is essential on current issues like STRIKES, GDS UNITY, TECHNOLOGY etc.
PROBLEMS AND ISSUES TAKEN UP BY THE CIRCLE UNION:  Listed and enclosed separately. 
We thank the circle and regional administration, including the staff, for their continued cooperation in redressing the issues focused by the circle union. 
We thank comrade President, CWC members, Branch and Divisional Secretaries and one and all for the co-operation and support extended during the period under review.  Our special thanks to Com.S.Ramesh, Com.M.B.Awati, Com.V.Muthukumar for their continued guidance and support.
We also sincerely thank Com.P.Mallikarjuna, Circle Secretary P-IV, Com.K.C.Annappa, Circle Secretary, GDS, Com.A.Srinivas, C/S R-III, Com.Umashankara Rao, C/S, R-IV, Com.Bharathi, C/S,  Com.M.D.Narayanamurthy of Admin, Com.N.Veeresh, C/S Accts., Com.P.S.Prasad, General Secretary COC and other leaders for their solidarity, fraternity and cooperation in maintaining a rock like unity in the circle.  

CONCLUSION:  I am laying down the office with great satisfaction, spirit and wishing every success to the incoming Executive Committee of this great organization. 
With warm regards and Greetings,
                                               Yours fraternally,
                                             Circle Secretary and                                                                                      On behalf of Circle Working Committee.


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